Sabrina Reedy
Sabrina is joyfully married to Malcolm Reedy, who serves as associate pastor for Father of Love Fellowship. Born and raised in Canada, Sabrina has always known God to be her heavenly Father. But at age 19, a revelation of His great sacrifice for her personal salvation broke her heart, and brought her in tears of repentance and love to the foot of the cross. She was soon baptised into the body of Christ, with no greater desire than to “follow the Lamb withersoever He goeth.” Having completed a bachelor’s degree in Medical Sciences, God called her into medical missionary work, during which she kept up her love of writing by sharing testimonies on her first website Never Lose the Wonder (nltw.wordpress.com).
Since leaving the medical field, she has enjoyed opportunities to teach Bible classes in Canada and Pakistan (virtually), and hosts an online women’s Bible study. She is blessed to be able to share the light of our Father’s beautiful character, as revealed through His begotten Son. She is eternally grateful for a husband with whom she is one in mind, spirit, and purpose, as he leads her faithfully onward in the cause of Christ.
Malcolm and Sabrina presently live in Georgia, USA. Sabrina’s current personal ministry, The Hope of Glory, can be found at thehopeofglory.org.
Title | Category | ▼ Posted | Hits |
A Blessed Assurance - Pentecost 2024 | Poems | Jun 22, 2024 | 604 |
Serving Your Spouse | Devotional - Blog | Mar 01, 2023 | 4224 |
"Though the Whole World Forget" | Everlasting Gospel | Jul 27, 2022 | 747 |