Maranatha Media

Trust in His Plans

Posted Jul 31, 2010 by Michael in Devotional - Blog
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For the last two days I have been going through a pretty bad cold. Usually when going through a cold, I get angry and frustrated about the situation. However this time the Lord, in His mercy, granted me more of His spirit; and that's what I'm going to talk about in this blog.

In this cold, I haven't been angry at as usual; instead the Lord is helping me to just wait it through. But the main thing is, I have been able to trust that he is in control of my life, and this cold is part of His plan; and His will is what is best for me. It was a joy for me to realise the trust that the Lord was giving me, as this is not normal for me (well, it's not human nature is it?).

Trusting the Lord to plan the hard stuff out for me, is really just so freeing. I don't have to worry, He is doing the heavy lifting for me! I don't have to worry about whether things will work out for me, because it says in the Bible:

Rom 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

The main thing is believing that God does look after us, and that he does know what is best for us. I think that if it says...

Mat 10:30-31 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.

...then God does really care about us.

Anyway, I think I'll wrap it up now. Just had to share that with everyone. Thanks for reading!