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Adventist History

Adventist History

TitleAuthor▲ PostedHits
Transitional Use of the Word Trinity in AdventismAdrian EbensMar 09, 20104249
Leroy Froom’s Doctrine of Sheer MeritAdrian EbensApr 03, 201014074
Apostasy at the JordanAdrian EbensApr 09, 20104388
Who is the Adventist JesusAdrian EbensJun 13, 20105541
There are but three of us in the present truth in this place.Bobbie BeckJun 23, 20106341
Farmer Penniman's DreamBobbie BeckJul 03, 20106116
Meet David SeelyBobbie BeckJul 09, 20106537
No Other God's - A.T. Jones RH May 21, 1889Bobby BAug 28, 20107220
Fountarians before 1844?Bobby BOct 10, 20105361
Answer to Spalding's Twilight ZoneBobby BNov 19, 20105516
The God of Our FathersKel CobbinJan 10, 20116606
A Firmly Laid FoundationKel CobbinJan 17, 20117190
Blessed by WaggonerSisi KongJan 22, 20116899
Our Early Workers Position - Joseph BatesKel CobbinJan 25, 20118833
Testimony of Asa T Robinson - Adventist PioneerKel CobbinJan 31, 20116290
Testimony of James White on the GodheadKel CobbinFeb 10, 201110494
Testimony of Robert Thurber (1882-1947)- Adventist LeaderKel CobbinFeb 13, 20117395
Ellen and James White Uphold Divinity of Christ But Reject TrinityFrank KlinFeb 14, 201113360
Writings of Ellen White Do Not Agree with Trinitairan CreedsFrank KlinFeb 15, 20117896
Testimony of J.N LoughboroughKel CobbinFeb 20, 20119569
Testimony of J.N AndrewsKel CobbinMar 09, 201114080
Testimony of Uriah SmithKel CobbinMar 29, 201110388
Testimony of S.N HaskellKel CobbinMay 15, 201110002
Trinity Dispelled and Son of God RevealedFrank KlinJun 09, 20116953
Story of Elder W.L Littlejohn - President of Battle Creek CollegeKel CobbinJul 23, 20116160
Testimony of G.I ButlerKel CobbinOct 05, 20117975
The Christian Connexion - a little historyGary HullquistOct 22, 20118709
J. N. Loughborogh quotes SummerbellBobby BOct 23, 20117228
Joseph Bates' Old Pastor, David MillardAdrian EbensOct 24, 20117958
Elohim and the plurality of God[s] by William Kinkade (Christian Connection minister).Bobby BNov 11, 20118033
The Compiling of the book `Evangelism'kym JonesNov 13, 20117036
E.G.W. endorsements of Jones & Waggonerkym JonesNov 13, 20116584
`Because thou sayest, I am rich, and spiritually enriched . . . ' kym JonesDec 05, 20115130
Bringing Christ Before the ChurchesCraig JonesJan 31, 20125072
Voice of the Pioneers to be HeardColin NicolsonJan 31, 20126088
George Grow Letter to Robert WielandAdrian EbensFeb 05, 20124363
The Seventh Month Movement and Validity of October 22, 1844Frank KlinMay 01, 20128667
Comment on `Letter to Elder Standish'kym JonesMay 13, 20124361
Altering Quotations…Endorsing A BeliefBana PuruJun 24, 20124467
Ellen White baptised by her husband early in experienceAdrian EbensJul 04, 20125020
Our Pioneers and the Line of TruthRonald BaragonaJul 08, 20126174
The Foundations of Our FaithBorislav SubotinJul 30, 20124166
Longacre Will Straighten Them OutFrank KlinAug 15, 20123992
Ellen White Comments on October 22, 1844Frank KlinSep 13, 20124234
Evidence suggests William Miller abandoned the TrinityAdrian EbensOct 08, 20125918
Comment on `1888 “Light From Heaven” Rejected– The Covenants Issue'kym JonesDec 24, 20123809
Christ In the Most Holy Place - Robert J. WielandFrank KlinFeb 02, 201318287
SDA GC President Wilson's 150 year anniversary addressMichael NicksonMay 05, 20134617
SDA leaders answer “Questions on Doctrine” in 1915Bobby BMay 10, 20139770
Removing the PillarAdrian EbensMay 17, 20133170