Maranatha Media

Family and Community

Structuring our families, communties and churches for maxmim blessing and prosperity. Download the book Life Matters for an expanded presentation of this theme

TitleAuthorPosted▼ Hits
Respect for God's Appointed Leaders, Even When They FailLorelle EbensJun 13, 201119275
A Lesson on Blessing/Cursing - My Fear, Means My Son Cannot OvercomeLorelle EbensNov 27, 201018121
Original Love and Women's OrdinationAdrian EbensOct 22, 201217494
Prayer and the Channel of BlessingFrank KlinMar 11, 201116561
Blessings and Cursings - Lessons from David and MichalLorelle EbensDec 16, 201113998
ThanksgivingLorelle EbensNov 25, 201110974
Praise God, From Whom All Blessings FlowRussell UnterschultzAug 27, 201010557
God's Covenant Blessings Includes AllLorelle EbensApr 28, 201010317
If Only We Had KnownEvelyn EbensFeb 23, 201110160
Coming Out of the Kingdom of the FatherlessFrank KlinMay 01, 20119701
Life Matters-the bookEvelyn EbensFeb 05, 20119553
Example of Male Headship in Families in the Old TestamentLorelle EbensJun 28, 20109152
To My Dear Father for His 75th BirthdayAdrian EbensSep 30, 20108816
Good News for the StrangerLorelle EbensApr 15, 20108760
God’s Blessing Through Human Family ChannelAdrian EbensFeb 08, 20108648
You Shall Be a Blessing PrayerAdrian EbensMar 12, 20108376
Conflict within familyEvelyn EbensJan 13, 20118205
Abraham's Sad MistakeAdrian EbensApr 06, 20108110
Esteem them Highly in Love for their works sakeAdrian EbensSep 07, 20108018
Gratitude for my FatherAdrian EbensJan 26, 20107335
My Sweet MotherAdrian EbensJan 29, 20107238
Prayer for Those in AuthorityAdrian EbensFeb 07, 20106974
Channels Through Which the Father Can Pour His Boundless LoveFrank KlinJun 24, 20116928
Made in His Image and LikenessAdrian EbensJun 29, 20106647
Resting in the ChannelLorelle EbensMay 05, 20126505
The Mystery of Iniquity and the ChurchOliver SaadeFeb 17, 20126207
Update on "We are fearfully and wonderfully made".Harmina TierneyMay 17, 20106077
You Shall Not Speak Evil of the Ruler of Your PeopleAdrian EbensJun 01, 20115916
Fear/Selfishness to Unlearn - Agape Love/Submission to LearnLorelle EbensSep 03, 20135760
Forever StoriesMarlise SchneiderJun 12, 20125751
Let My People GoAdrian EbensJun 10, 20114486
Make your Name GreatAdrian EbensMar 30, 20104304
Mankind’s Spiritual Husband: Part 1George KerrJun 16, 20124269
A Knowledge of the Son of God the Key to Family and Community UnityAdrian EbensFeb 21, 20114229
You Shall Be a BlessingAdrian EbensMay 08, 20104226
Prayer and Blessing for Fathers and MothersFrank KlinMar 28, 20124215
Blessing My FamilyAdrian EbensJan 13, 20104185
A Family PrayerAdrian EbensFeb 06, 20104177
Hold on in the Love of ChristAdrian EbensJan 11, 20144156
НАСТОЯЩАЯ ЛЮБОВЬ (Original Love - Russian)Alex GeDec 16, 20124081
Mankind's Spiritual Husband: A New NameGeorge KerrAug 21, 20124039
Mankind's Spiritual Husband: The Marriage and HoneymoonGeorge KerrNov 12, 20123958
Yahushua and Boaz - Goelism RevisitedGeorge KerrFeb 04, 20133901
Dragoste originală – Fără rușine (Original Love - Not Ashamed Romanian)Dejan AndovDec 02, 20123835
Mankind's Spiritual Husband: The Holy Place ExperienceGeorge KerrJul 23, 20123804
Abraham's Blessing System EmergesAdrian EbensJan 14, 20103753
Mankind's Spiritual Husband: The Wedding Supper and GarmentGeorge KerrOct 01, 20123686
How Jesus Responded to Authority Before His BaptismAdrian EbensJan 06, 20113458
The Father's LoveAdrian EbensNov 05, 20133271
Protecting Against False ReportsAdrian EbensJul 26, 20133028